I run happy.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Yesterday My Husband Beat My 5k PR Time!

Even though he was FAST, he didn't "fly" to the finish.  His running form looks more FUN than functional and no, he didn't stop to kiss me at this point in the race.  I would have LOVED to have slowed him down but today was HIS day!  I rode BS'  beach cruiser down the road to COWBELL(yes, it's now a verb)Boy Scout and Chris Korn, along with our other awesome running friends at the local Encinitas 5k.  I was supposed to run but a YOGA pose "got" me on Monday and I had to forgo the "KORN CHALLENGE."  Chris and I were to race this 5k but I'm POSITIVELY sure that Chris would have kicked  my booty because he DID do a 20: something race and looked strong the WHOLE time.  He's working on his form and I'd say he is looking pretty solid:
Notice Chris is doing some manly passing-of-the-chicks.  Not one to be chick'd,  Chris would have done this to me and left me in dust.
See Chris' race report here!

OK, so back to BS...

He took off and I played Where's Waldo? on about four parts of the course.  Cowbelling him and peppering him with POSITIVES was easy because he NEVER looked tired, fatigued nor ready to slow down.  He pulled off this race as if it were a little training run.

OK, so now the hard part for me...

He beat my 5k pr and GOAL for the race by over 18 seconds.  A group of friends saw him cross the finish line and they were the first to inform me.  I screamed, not with glee but of frustration.  How long did I think this running streak would last for me?  Not long, in reality, but I had been hoping.  So the more fit BS has become, the stronger he is running. I'm afraid we're  back to those college days when I would run along behind him, gasping for air and praying he was ready to cool down.

Ah, his game is on.  

Congrats Honey, you are one mighty fine MAN, HUSBAND, BEST FRIEND, RUNNER and grandpa.  Let's not forget that you are a grandpa. A might fine grandpa!

Hmm...when is our NEXT race and how hard will I have to work to keep you from beating my time???

Love you...

GOOD JOB, Chris.  See you in Scripp's Ranch in July!

Do you and your SIGNIFICANT compete like this at running or other activities?  Have you found it to be FUN or ???


  1. Well done to BS and Chris. I read his report earlier. Hope you are ok to run soon. My main family running problem is my dads's PR's which he set when he was in his 50's. I can't get close to his times. ybe when I reach the 50's...

  2. Great job BS and CK. Studs. Both of them.

  3. I know the feeling (when a previously unfit, albiet lovable, hubby, leaves you in his dust...sigh...)

    We all definitely need to be in the same place at the same time...someday!

  4. Cheers to the Boy Scout!! Sorry Meg, but he did amazing:) This was a lovely post and can tell how much you love him! Looks like a fun challenge with some very cool people! Hugs Meg!

  5. oh no! hope you recover quickly so that you can win the title back.

    Congrats to BS and Chris. Nice racing!

    Maybe in another 20 years, if my hubby doesn't train, and I stay in shape....then maybe I can compete with him. I hate natural talent...it's just NOT fair. He has tons, I have none. :)
    ...such is life

  6. by 18 seconds?!


    that's some mark of improvement.

    a bit jealous over here at the moment;-) Your hubby rocks.

  7. When my wife and I run, we just run for fun. We have no PRs to beat for each other. My wife is not a serious runner (yet). I fear that one day, if not already, she will leave me in the dust with the ants.

  8. Great job to the Boy Scout! Hubs and I run together rarely--running isn't his favorite. But even with the 30 miles or so I run a week, he can still beat me in a 5k race with hardly any training!! Argh!

  9. Waylon ( my husband) and I are so similar. :) Ticks me off at how easily he can just go out and run a sub 20 5k. His goal for the end of the summer is 17 minutes...cocky little s&^%! We shall see if he reaches his goal. The good thing about having a goal of 17 min for a 5k is that I am in no way competitive with him on this one! YOu go HONeY! Congrats to Chris and your hubby!

  10. Congrats to BS! Actually, it's kind of cool that you can run together and that you have similar paces. There's no way I can follow my UberH...he's too speedy. Actually, I love that you're usually faster :)

  11. My hubby will NEVER beat me. I'm the younger woman, the fitter woman and the only times he's raced with me he's eaten my dust. Seriously though - he doesn't like to run so it's not ever going to be an issue.

  12. No we are not, my husband is in way better shape then I am. But we do compete with did I hit MY goals vs HIS goals even though they are on different levels. Its all in fun though!

  13. Nice race BS! Don't have a significant right now! But I run with my family when we are together and that's a blast. Cheers! And thanks Meg for your sweet comment on my blog!

  14. Neither my husband nor I are competitive by nature, so we don't compete in sports or even in board games -- we do tag team to pool resources when it counts.

  15. Congrats for BS and Chris. Looks like you can eat BS's dust at the 5K now LOL I'm betting you'll get back at him.

    My hub can't run due to an accident a few years ago which ruined his foot, it never got healed right.

    No matter what kind of competition I do with him: he always wins, it's not fun anymore :)

  16. If B.S. beat your PR by 18 seconds then, hello, you would have smoked me if you ran it and were healthy. That's okay, I don't mind getting chicked by Studs like you.

    B.S. was so freaking solid. I was really impressed.

    Thank you for the kind words about me in this post Meg.

    BTW, many people many not know me cuz I'm really "Chris K" in the Blogosphere.

    Okay, gotta go, gotta get started on my training for 10k in July. My new goal in life: Beat the someone in the Meg/B.S. household.

  17. Quite impressive for BS - now you have a recovery goal! Have fun training and enjoy the competitive banter in the household :)

  18. I love it. I never want my hubby to beat my PRs -- but that is mostly because he's not much of a runner and I actually train.

  19. Boo BS!! What's with all these other people congratulating him? What loyal friends they are! ;) jk... Congrats I suppose...

    I told Josh that if he gets to the point where he can beat me in a race -- DON'T :) I've been running for over a decade! He can't just be beating me... Lol

  20. Kinda hoping you have the whole summer off to dial in some speedwork, give BS a run for his money!
    Isn't this your birthday week? Have fun!

  21. Fun post & good sports(wo)manship, you! Sorry your yoga twist went south & kicked you off the 5K roster :-( I do yoga at least weekly, so I could feel what happened to you as you described it... I know that pose, ouch! Hope you heal up soon.

    Re: husbands & running, you are lucky that you & BS are at least close in pace! My hub has been running much longer than me (20 yrs. vs. my 2.5) & is much faster... so we can't really run together. We do register for races, but he is long finished his bagels, bananas or brownies at the food tent before I even cross the line!

    P.S. "Manly passing-of-the-chicks?" That's not manly, that's just rude ;-)

  22. Congrats to BS!

    You'll pass him again Meg.

  23. He is one fast Grandpa! :) Congratulations to BS! I like a little friendly competition among spouses. Come on, you know you want to beat it now!

  24. We, the grandpas, are the best (as you know)!
    Congrats to BS.

  25. way to go BS!! Glad to see C is still the picture in your header, I LOVE that pic! makes me laugh every time!! :-)
    2 weeks from today we will be ariving in SD!! Can't wait! I forget, will you be at RnR SD?? You won't miss our cheesy neon "just married" shirts :-P
    Hope all is well!
