I run happy.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Periodization and Other "New" Discoveries...

This picture of Matthew reminds me that life is too short to sit around and stew, fret and wallow in the way the winds blow.  Sadly, friends,  I've been in this state of CHAOS for a few weeks.  CHANGE has a way of doing that to us.  However, one can't fight the winds forever.  I need to settle in.

So, like the little piggy who's house was FLATTENED by the Big Bad Wolf,  I'm fleeing to another house and starting out all over.  JUST KIDDING.  Well, I have made the mental leap to move into a better place and keep moving forward, because that's WHAT WE STRONG WOMEN DO!  **Please read my past blog posts if you have NO idea what I"m talking about!*

Sparkle Pants(our  2.5 year old grandson-now-house-mate) amuses us with his dances with flashlights and the way he wears the headlamp around his tummy and struts his stuff during power outages and HEY...there's nothing like having a TWO and a half year old around again!  His mommy continues to move forward as she starts over with us as well.  BOYSCOUT and I have realized that we aren't parenting anymore.  We can't!  We're co-living.  There's a sweetness in this somewhere, I feel it.  It's the "processing" that is taking some time!  Thanks for your AWESOME EMAILS and comments.  I feel like I'm back to following YOUR running, your experiences and your expertise in this area.  I've missed YOU!!

I guess I've celebrate enough and with the XC Championships over,   I've moved into the THRONGS of marathon training.   The short stuff was so easy to maintain...just speed work and resting but...
Marathon training is baaaaccckkk!

I've stumbled on to something called PERIODIZATION in marathon training.
My last 11 marathons were run according to the average marathon plan with my mileage hitting about 70 miles at the peak.  I would  run the usual weeks of training that included:  track/speed work,  a tempo run with progressively more mileage each week and then the major long run that gets longer each week and usually tops out at 24 miles.   What I've found is that my 46 year old body usually handles everything until about that last week of tough training, right before taper.  SUDDENLY, at that point, hell breaks loose.  I fall a part.  The plantar facitis kicks in and I end up tapering with a hobble and a strict habit of PRAYING 10 times a day that a miracle with happen.  I also end up visiting my physio twice a week.  I'm usually a mess by the time I hit the starting line and then,  of course my goals and plans are less than what I hope for.

THIS TIME, it's different.

Since I started training for the XC Championships,  my training has consisted of one workout of mile repeats/strides and hills,  a long run but a VERY slow one and a moderate run.  I take two days off and do one other day of very easy running.

My training calendar was broken up into three distinct cycles: base, hills and marathon specific training. 

Sunday, I ran 60 mins. up hill and the rest moderately for a total of 16 miles.  Next week I have one more long run with hills and then I start my marathon pace work.  

I'm feeling strong, not broken.  Usually, by now,  my body is aching from the tempo runs and they would  get tougher for me.  NOW,  each and every run ends with me feeling stronger.  It's the STRANGEST THING!  My body has been preparing itself for the hardest and most demanding part of my training and it's ready.  

6 weeks until The Carlsbad Marathon.  So far so good.


  1. Yeah life can be pretty tough at times - especially when the changes happen and you really don't get a say. Having grown up kids is so much harder than having babies. I'm glad you can see the positives - those two year old positives that force you to smile and laugh.

    Your marathon training schedule sounds really sensible. I hope your body treats you nicely for the duration.

  2. I've been thinking of you lately Meg. Miss you...your blog. Nice to read tonight. Great to read that you are feeling strong too! Excited for you. Thinking of you as you continue to adjust to the changes in your life. I bet it can be hard to not let the grandma role blend in with the parenting instinct that must want to come out when you are living with this sweet little guy. Hang strong girl.

  3. It's so good to hear from you Meg! Yes, changes are hard. Yay for periodization and your body stepping up at the right time. I can so relate to feeling beat up and patched together at the starting line--story of my life! Wow 6 weeks? I'd better start training!

  4. It's been interesting and inspiring to watch your running journey Meg. Being an older runner myself (ahem) I feel inspired and hopeful. It has been fun to hear about how you are getting stronger in the different phases of your training. It seems like you have hit the mark! Looking forward to reading more!

  5. Next time I train for a marathon I will have to try periodization. I am sure my almost 54yo body will be grateful.

  6. Oooh I like the new layout/look!

    So glad your training is going well for you. Keep it up, sister!

  7. Life is like that... Yes, tough women pull through, and you're one of the toughest!

    Thanks for the little reminder that Carlsbad is ONLY 6 weeks away. I hope to see you there!

  8. Getting caught up and back into this blogging thing a bit. My parents ALWAYS made sure everyone in our family KNEW they could come back home for any reason. We our all grown up. We all moved away at some point. A few of us from our family of 6 needed to move back from time to time. Even after married with a few kiddos of their own. These were VERY special times for Mom. She LOVED IT!

    My Parent are not living anymore. Yet, it has always been fun to know my inlaws feel the same. We have never needed to do this with our family. Yet, still, what a loving comfort and blessing. Travaling in SE Asia, it was the norm for multiple generations of a family living in one home. Meg - enjoy! Enjoy this time. You will miss them a lot once they move out and can be on their own feet again. Merry Christmas as well!!

  9. Good that you moved out of the dark period. Life is too short for that. Roll with it and enjoy what life brings. And that training plan sounds much more sensible - if you aren't getting stronger, then you are moving backwards, right??? Hope the weekend training went well!

  10. I'm so glad you moving forward. For me, change is difficult and takes some time to get used to. Initially I fight it, but then I realize how much time and energy is wasted when I can choose to embrace it and accept it and make it WORK for me. Your such a strong and positive woman Meg. We always rise to the occasion don't we :) Your no exception. xoxo

    Glad the training is going so well for you!!

  11. Hey Megsie...
    So glad things are starting to calm down and you guys are all adapting; life definitely throws us some curve-balls and it takes awhile to accept it but not much we can do other than adjust! You are awesome!

    Your new training's going to pay off for you in Carlsbad, I just know it. Will you just wait about 4 hours for me when you're done? I can't seem to get a long run done. Oh well, there'll be other marathons...at least I'll get to see you soon :).

